Who We Are

Located in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, Vision of Love is a non-profit focused on rescuing and transforming the lives of children faced with homelessness and abandonment.

In 2006, Director Irma Tella was moved by love to open a shelter focused on offering a future full of opportunities for these forgotten children suffering from physical and emotional abuse. She met children living under bridges, in vacant lots and abandoned buildings after escaping abusive environments and was moved to action.

The number of children living on the streets has grown exponentially in Coahuila, the municipality of Cuidad Acuña, as well as throughout Mexico. While on the streets, many children become involved in drugs, alcohol, theft and prostitution as a means of survival. Government agencies such DIF and PRONNIF often send children to our facility who have experienced sexual, emotional, physical abuse and abandonment.

At Vision of Love, we offer a home that is a refuge and place of protection where children are provided with balanced meals, education, medical care, psychological therapy, vocational and spiritual guidance. We also offer childcare to low-income single mothers, in exchange for performing various tasks around the center on their days off.  This service provides a safe place for their children to stay during working hours.

Presently, we have one shelter in Ciudad Acuña that is able to house up to 75 children from birth - 15 years old.